Sesh Essentials: Ready-To-Roll Pack Launch


Culture & Cannabis Ready To Roll pack launch at Acres Dispensary with Curaleaf

The city of Las Vegas is finally opening back up. To welcome the community back to full-sesh functionality, we’ve introduced something brand new. Culture & Cannabis is proud to present new Ready To Roll packs. The newest edition to the C&C line-up comes in 3 different sizes  (1/8, 1/4, and 1/2 ounces). Complete with a free pack of 100% hemp rolling paper with perforated-tips, the circle has a new essential member. Even if you’re in the market to learn the Stoner Tradition of rolling, this ready-to-go parcel comes packed with the best flower in town to get you that coveted title.

Just next to the strip, where most dispensaries rest, we celebrated the launch of the ready to roll packs at two exclusive drop locations. The first stop is Acres Cannabis Dispensary, one of first to introduce an immersive shopping experience in Las Vegas. Featuring live-extraction, seminars and culture-based events on the regular, Acres has undoubtedly become a haven for community since its construction. Next is our Strip-based friend, Curaleaf, one of the largest cannabis operators in the US.

Ready On A Dime

Culture & Cannabis ready to roll Curaleaf launch at Acres Dispensary

Every stoner is all about their circle. We all know that it can get messy though. With the Ready to Roll pack, we’ve removed the guesswork. The moment you purchase, you are ready to roll up and light up with ease. While visiting shops, we spoke with Alex Council, Director of Purchasing, from Curaleaf about cannabis companies keeping it’s community as the priority. Like most shops, they are seeing a small percentage of their usual clientele. Regardless, neither dispensary has lost sight of what’s important. Not only is this an asset to the changing cannabis community, but their wallets too.

As we move into the ‘New Normal’ Acres and Curaleaf have got you covered, ensuring they uphold best practices during your cannabis purchase. Shopping in-store comes with guidelines such as mandatory facemask and allowing only 10 people in store at a time. At the moment, however, delivery and pickup is highly encouraged. If you’re looking for a simpler way to medicate or just something new, pick up some Ready to Roll packed with 91 Chem VA Skunk. Order curbside delivery from both Acres and Curaleaf on Follow Culture & Cannabis for more drop locations in a neighborhood near you..

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Picture of Joycelin Arnold

Joycelin Arnold

Dating back to 2012, Joycelin has wrote for various online Video Game publications covering events and launches regularly. Cannabis has been with her throughout the journey, however. She officially joined cannabis industry in 2016 as a budtender and begin writing for brands and magazines in 2017. Outside of cannabis, she writes science fiction with one published novel, Siren, so far.

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