Playboy Continues Cannabis Advocacy & CBD Launch


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At the end of last month, famous magazine publisher, Playboy, dove deeper into the cannabis industry. In addition to their CBD product launch this year, they have started a cannabis law reform and advocacy campaign. To continue its decades long support for cannabis, Playboy is aiming to promote voters and encourage regular turnout through education.

In collaboration with the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), the Marijuana Policy Project, and the Veteran’s Cannabis Project, Playboy is still aiming to break down negative stigmas around cannabis. In addition to the campaign they have donated through 2 separate grants to organizations fighting injustice. Playboy magazine has donated $100,000 annually to NORML since the 70s. This recent move is the latest in their efforts.

Playboy and Cannabis Over the Years

Cannabis has had a lot of allies over the years. Some have been here for decades others are new to the struggle. Playboy, however, has been dedicated since the late 1960s. A young Keith Stroup wrote High Hefner, the late magazine and enterprise owner, a proposal for his organization and received a check. This was after the magazine published a piece in support of cannabis in 1969. Ever since, journalistic support continued with regular pieces questioning the plant’s legal standing. You can learn about the details here

This news follows the official launch of Playboy’s CBD line, Pleasure For All. The brand is aimed at sexual wellness and intimacy, marking their major love into producing in the cannabis space.

The magazine also announced this year that their flagship magazine would stop print publishing. The company’s aim seems to rebrand as it aims for ‘lifestyle of pleasure’ products.

“Since its inception, Playboy has fought for cultural progress rooted in the core values of equality, freedom of expression, and the idea that pleasure is a fundamental human right. For far too long, our nation’s policy toward cannabis has been backward and punitive, leading to decades of injustice in our legal system and to social stigma and shame… As stewards of an iconic champion of progress, it is our duty to carry on the work Playboy began over five decades ago, by advocating for marijuana law reform and promoting the positive roles cannabis plays in people’s lives as a form of recreation, free expression, and health. We are proud to commit our platforms and resources to support this cause and we are grateful for the partnership and support of the organizations playing leading roles in advocating for legislative reform, social justice, and cultural destigmatization.”

Rachel Webber, CMO of Playboy Enterprises

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Picture of Joycelin Arnold

Joycelin Arnold

Dating back to 2012, Joycelin has wrote for various online Video Game publications covering events and launches regularly. Cannabis has been with her throughout the journey, however. She officially joined cannabis industry in 2016 as a budtender and begin writing for brands and magazines in 2017. Outside of cannabis, she writes science fiction with one published novel, Siren, so far.

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