How To Create Eco Friendly Cannabis Packaging


Culture & Cannabis Podcast Episode 89 with guest Seven

Born in Las Vegas, NV, Seven joined the legal cannabis market in 2018 after his move back to Sin City from Texas. It was in 2013 when he truly found his passion for cannabis. Seven is a combat veteran who served from 2000 – 2008 and in 2002 suffered an injury while on duty. After an 11 year battle with opioids, he was saved by the same plant that has been persecuted and demoralized for almost a century. It was the healing powers of this plant that sparked his interest and led him on the path to seed making. Seven is not a breeder, but his passion is genetics and creating cannabis for other veterans who suffer the way he does. Growing strains that best relieve his symptoms and then working those genetics together for the perfect remedy is what he does.

Seven gifts his seeds to anyone who is interested in growing their own cannabis. He says he wants to “free the seeds” for all and all who will grow them. Seven is also invested in a sustainable, eco-friendly packaging company. Using a hermetically sealed canning system, they can put the claim to a recyclable, long term sustainable, cost saving and earth friendly packaging. Seven has been directly working within the THC and CBD market since 2018 and has just recently launched his own pet CBD brand and looks forward to where this path leads and the value he can bring to both industries.

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