Homegrown Cannabis Marks Newest Addition to NY Market


weed bud in glass cup on desk homegrown cannabis

Meanwhile, in New York, the cannabis authority is making more changes to the state medical program. The New York State Office of Cannabis Management voted in favor of homegrown cannabis. New York’s News10 reported that they approved medical patients to grow up to six plants at a time. 

“Only certified patients or their designated caregivers participating in the medical cannabis program will be able to purchase seeds or immature plants legally from a registered organization,” said OCM executive director Chris Alexander. “And therefore, New Yorkers who are not in the medical program cannot yet grow and grow at home.”

The vote is in addition to another recent approval in legislation. Soon, over 200,000 records for cannabis offenses in New York will be expunged. Following community recommendations, the medical allowance of cannabis makes past cannabis offenses hypocritical. 


According to the law, certified cannabis patients and caregivers are allowed three mature plants and three immature plants per person. There is a cap of six mature and six immature within or on the grounds of any private residence. This, however, is subject to a 60-day trial period from the public which may lead to changes. Further regulations for homegrown cannabis in New York are as followed:

  • Allowing up to three mature plants and three immature plants per person and a cap of six mature and six immature within or on the grounds of any private residence.
  • For designated caregivers who are 21 years old or older and who are caring for a patient under 21 or who is unable to cultivate on their own, the caregiver may grow up to six cannabis plants for one certified patient. However, no patient can have more than one caregiver growing on their behalf. If a caregiver has more than one medical patient, the caregiver may grow one plant for each patient they have above the first six.
  • Making clear neither cannabis seeds, immature and mature plants, nor flower can be sold or bartered to any other person except by a registered organization.
  • Requiring plants be kept in a secure location, using reasonable measures that neither the plants nor their products are readily accessible to anyone under the age of 21, by cultivating in an enclosed area not plainly visible from public view; taking reasonable steps to mitigate the odor; locking it up; and installing and maintaining security devices.
  • Processing of cannabis at home with any liquid or gas, other than alcohol, that has a flashpoint below 100 degrees Fahrenheit is not allowed.

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Picture of Joycelin Arnold

Joycelin Arnold

Dating back to 2012, Joycelin has wrote for various online Video Game publications covering events and launches regularly. Cannabis has been with her throughout the journey, however. She officially joined cannabis industry in 2016 as a budtender and begin writing for brands and magazines in 2017. Outside of cannabis, she writes science fiction with one published novel, Siren, so far.

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