Culture & Cannabis: July Vendor Mixer Recap


Stoner Rob MC

In the pursuit of success, Las Vegas Culture & Cannabis experts at July’s vendor mixer discussed one of the most important traits of all: commitment!

Cannabis Commitment

Success, in any field, takes a variety of traits to achieve. Every industry has its own struggles but, cannabis has an entirely different set of rules to play by. Overcoming them and learning to thrive in the Las Vegas cannabis industry can make-or-break any new entrepreneur. To succeed, it takes a culmination of traits to persevere through those doubtful moments. Through the summer heat, local influencers and professionals found common ground in their commitment to build a better industry as classic rock hummed through the bar.

Culture & Cannabis July Vendor Mixer Flyer
Culture & Cannabis July Vendor Mixer Flyer

As a new industry, Las Vegas cannabis is looking for more entrepreneurs to lead the way. For so many of us, however, anxiety and fear keep us from committing to reaching those dreams. Nonetheless, Inspire’s front-bar was filled with members of the cannabis-community so that they could share grassroots stories of triumph over adversity.

JC Coats reminisced on Culture & Cannabis’ humble beginnings and discussed, not just succeeding in business but, succeeding in our personal lives as well. The recurring conversation about a commitment affirmed the theme of the night and gave flight to the cannabis dreams that filled the space.

Local artist, The Sober Junkie, echoed the same sentiment as he introduced the night’s speakers. A teaser-sample of his powerful documentary, commemorating his debut album, Sacred Land, was the perfect start to the speaker series part of the event.

Mixer Speakers:

Hosted by G Gonzalez, the night’s speakers were:

JC Coats from Culture & Cannabis

Anthony Lee from Reno As Fuck

Crystal Rose from Altus Lucky Edibles

Tyson Burkett from Kalvara

Remember guys, it all starts with a dream and some commitment! Commit to joining the cannabis community at Las Vegas Culture & Cannabis as we build a better industry together. Our vendor mixer will be making a return to Inspire in August and we hope to see you there. For more information, follow @cultureandcannabis

Watch July’s Recap Video Below!

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Picture of Joycelin Arnold

Joycelin Arnold

Dating back to 2012, Joycelin has wrote for various online Video Game publications covering events and launches regularly. Cannabis has been with her throughout the journey, however. She officially joined cannabis industry in 2016 as a budtender and begin writing for brands and magazines in 2017. Outside of cannabis, she writes science fiction with one published novel, Siren, so far.

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